“Always take it up a notch!”

Owner - Jason Liu
--------------------- 2016 ---------------------
- Awarded The third Aquaculture Division Top Hundred Young Famers
--------------------- 2017 ---------------------
- Pingtung County Ptargoleader First director general
--------------------- 2018 ---------------------
- The 6th Directors of Academia-Indus try Consortium for Agricuture Biotechnology Park
--------------------- 2019 ---------------------
- The 9th Supervisor of Fish Breeding Association of Taiwan
- Serve National Sun Yat-sen University Si Wan College Industry-Aligned Faculty
- Young Agricultural Ambassadors of New Southbound Policy
--------------------- 2020 ---------------------
- The First Vice Chairman of Pingtung County Aquaculture Teenager Amity Association
- The 7th Directors of Academia-Indus try Consortium for Agricuture Biotechnology Park
- The Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development-Executive Master of
Business Administration of National Taiwan University
- Serve National Sun Yat-sen University Si Wan College Industry-Aligned Faculty
--------------------- 2021 ---------------------
- Global Research & Industry Alliance NTOU Member
- Chiayi County Government Smart Agriculture Interdisciplinary Integrate Platform Consultant